Professional Development

Teaching Assistantship


I mentored students who were motivated to facilitate learning experiences for others while sharpening their understanding of the course content.

For each class, I coached a few select undergraduate TAs who demonstrated exceptional content mastery and desired to help fellow students perform their best. Where possible, I coached graduate TAs who handled higher-end responsibilities (such as grading) and mentored students and undergraduate TAs. We usually made a pretty impressive team!

My relationships with my TAs were (and still are) of utmost importance to me. Their jobs were not to redirect students to the syllabus or respond to emails. My TAs went through a competitive selection process. They were chosen only if

  1. they already had an established cordial relationship

  2. they understood the challenging nature of the course content, and

  3. they had an explicit conviction to empower their peers.


One of my Intro Psych TA teams.

Hiking with one of my Intro Psych TA teams

One of my Biopsychology TA teams on Halloween.


“Eevin, I was just looking over the TA evaluations and wanted to take a minute to thank you for being such a good TA supervisor. With the stress of switching to online classes and a pandemic, it was so nice to see students praising the efforts of their supervising faculty members and seeing their TA experiences as successful. So, I just wanted to write to the faculty who were appreciated so much by their students and add my thank you. Hope that you and your family are well and safe.”

Dr. Laurie Chassin, Director of Undergraduate Studies at ASU

“I hope your summer is going well and you’ve been safe and healthy! I was just accepted into the program and will work toward my PsyD this fall. Thank you again for all of your help along the way. I’m so glad I ended up taking your class, and you selected me as your TA the following year. It was a highlight of my undergraduate experience and taught me that I want to teach using my doctorate at some point in the future. I couldn’t have gotten into this program without that position and your letter of rec. I’m so grateful for all that you’ve done for me!”

Catrina, my first TA
  • Good morning,

    Firstly, I hope to hear that you are doing well. I also hope you still remember me, I was an undergrad TA for you in Spring of 2019.

    I am reaching out to say thank you for the TA opportunity that you gave to me. I wish I would have sent this email sooner but once I graduated I became occupied with working and being an adult (lol). I want to say that it was a pleasure working with you and I did enjoy my time as a TA. The experience showed me that I have a passion for teaching and I hope to someday be in a position like yours. It was a challenge for me to TA for neuropsych because I don't have a strong bio background. I was a bit nervous to be a TA for this class but I am glad I did it.

    My time as an undergrad led me to meet many amazing professors that I have been inspired by, including you. The topic of neuropsychology can be quite daunting, especially for those less knowledgeable in this area, but your humor made the class less intimidating. As a student, I enjoyed the lectures and looked forward to attending class. I also appreciate that you valued input from students to ensure they enjoyed the class and felt they were learning the material.

    Overall, I had a great experience both as a student and a TA for your class.

    Thanks again,



Graduate Instructor Coaching