Academic Success
How to Learn in College
I developed HTLIC to empower students in their learning journeys.
I developed this course to teach learners how to form and practice explicit, specific, individual learning strategies. This course was born from a combination of three factors:
The literature showed an apparent disconnect between college students' and professors' expectations. What worked for students in high school does not likely help them excel in college. They have to see this for themselves after struggling for a year or so (this experience is crucial to improvement).
My research. In grad school, I studied how undergraduate students learned science information from texts and video lectures. Let's say that most students don't know how to learn or improve their skills properly.
My observations. My assessments showed that students often had misconceptions about what is required of them in a quality learning experience. Some could give me textbook explanations about what constitutes "good learning" but were still at a loss when examining their strategies.
My role was to clarify the disparities between students' expectations and performances across multiple skill sets. I then coached them through discovery, adopting a growth mindset, and selecting appropriate learning tools for future courses. To do this, students engaged in daily readings, reflections, discussions, and assessments.
Learners of all backgrounds, goals, majors, and walks of life were invited to enroll. While some students aimed to achieve an A+ in their classes, others just wanted to pass math. This course was about honoring individuals' needs rather than prescribing an all-or-none philosophy.
“I am feeling quite victorious after taking my exam today. I got a 44.5/45, which is the best I have ever done on any assignment so far! The custom study plans are clearly working.”
Real results! Exam scores before and after personalized learning strategy consultations and coaching with me. The above pictures feature two different students, but this trend was typical of most.
Real results! The scores depict the likely course grades students should earn based on their learning strategies before and after taking my course.
Mean course evaluation ratings from students on a scale of 1 (least positive) to 5 (most positive).
“I am in shock. I cannot believe how much has changed in just a month.”
Student Testimonials
"Dr. J, Hey it's David ... and I AM ENROLLED FULL TIME AT ASU !!!
I am finally back to good academic standing. I couldn't have done this without you and all the help and tools you have given me!
You are the best.
I will keep you updated on my progress this semester because I feel like you deserve to know that you are making a difference in my life lol.
PS, I loved your class and hope that you continue it in upcoming semesters."
“Hey Dr. Jennings! My name is David and I was in your Learning Psychology course and it is still making a difference. As we hit the halfway point I thought I'd just let you know that I am still doing good! I passed my final math class ever! It wasn't easy but the tools I learned in your class helped immensely! I actually got a somewhat low grade on my very first test and I felt the urge to just slack off and try to forget about it. I was even thinking about dropping because I know how difficult some math classes could be for me. But then I thought about procrastination and stress and how I need to pass this class in order to graduate... So I buckled down and decided to apply myself even more. I made study guides for myself, watched the professor’s tutorial videos, set time aside to spend on the HW and actually understand it so that when the test came I wasn't struggling to figure it out. There were so many things I did! Like making a schedule, staying ahead (it was an online class so I could work ahead). And I actually finished with a passing grade and I finished the class early! I actually did so well that I didn't even need to take the final at the end of the class and I still would have passed! What I am saying is that I actually put into practice the skills that I learned from you and they work. I am convinced that without your class I would still be struggling in school. So thank you! Things keep going well. My GPA is on the rise and I am looking forward to graduating soon! All the best, David."